University of Calabria
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Frequentare i corsi

Informazioni, contatti e modulistica per gestire le attività di studio e frequentare i corsi.

Le seguenti schede informative riportano le modalità (come, quando, chi …) per pianificare e gestire il curriculum degli studi. 

La modulistica e i contatti sono accessibili da questa pagina.


What it is

The study plan is the educational path (set of educational activities) that the student follows for the normal duration of the course of study in which he is enrolled.

How it is chosen

Upon enrolment, the student is assigned the statutory study plan.

In interclass study programs, at the time of enrollment, the student indicates the class in which he intends to obtain the qualification, with the consequent attribution of the statutory study plan linked to the class.

Is it possible to change it?

Yes. The educational regulations of the study program define the rules and methods for adopting an alternative study plan to the statutory one, for choosing or modifying the curriculum or the class in the case of interclass study courses.

È possibile richiedere la modifica del proprio piano di studi compilando il modulo Richiesta di modifica al Piano di studi disponibile alla pagina Modulistica per gli studenti. Sulla richiesta si pronuncerà il Consiglio di Dipartimento.

In addition to the courses envisaged for the achievement of the qualification to which they aspire, the student can include in his study plan, for each academic year, a maximum of two educational activities, chosen from among those present in the University's educational offer in the reference academic year.

The placement is authorized by the Study Course Council, after consultation with the Department that provides the activity.

The additional activities, in accordance with the University Teaching Regulations, do not contribute to the achievement of the credits required for the achievement of the title and do not make up an average, but are only additions to the career.

Graduates who intend to enroll in a master's degree course can enter more than two additional activities, for the purpose of acquiring credits that meet the access requirements for the master's degree itself.

Fill out the application on Esse3(User manual)

In order to facilitate students who cannot devote themselves exclusively to study, the study programs may include a part-time study program, which normally requires the achievement of 30 credits per year and 60 credits per two-year period.

The part-time study program cannot be more than double the normal duration of the full-time study program. The tuition fee due by the part-time student is reduced compared to the ordinary one as established in the University Tax, Contribution, and Exemption Regulations

Who can apply for part-time work

Current students (where required by the academic regulations of the study program)


At the time of enrollment and, subsequently, at the time of renewal of enrollment for the years following the first

Compilare il modulo Richiesta di Cambio regime (da Tempo pieno a Part-time e viceversa) disponibile alla pagina Modulistica per gli studenti.

The student can request the recognition of the following extra-university activities:

  • professional knowledge and skills acquired in working or professional contexts certified in accordance with current legislation on the subject;
  • other knowledge and skills gained in post-secondary level training activities to which the university has contributed to the planning and implementation;
  • achievement of an Olympic or Paralympic medal or of the title of absolute world champion, absolute European champion or absolute Italian champion in the disciplines recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee or by the Italian Paralympic Committee.

A total of master's degree courses and single-cycle master's degree courses can be recognized up to a maximum of 12 credits.


During the first time window for modifying study plans

Who decides

The Study Program Council decides when approving the study plans and the career update is arranged by mid-December.

To bear in mind that

The educational regulations of the study programs establish criteria for the recognition of extra-university activities taking into account the following parameters:

  • for the recognition of the knowledge and skills referred to in letter a) the congruence of the activity carried out with respect to the aims and objectives of the Study Program and the time commitment of the activity carried out. (The credits can be recognized, with the attribution of a judgment of suitability, in the area chosen by the student, as an internship or internship or among the additional training activities, in line with the provisions of the Manifesto of Studies or, finally, as additional credits) ;
  • for the knowledge, skills and abilities referred to in letter b) the passing of final exams with the attribution of marks, the sure attributability to disciplinary scientific sectors, the hourly commitment and the duration of the activity, also allow recognition with exams, referred to basic, characterizing or related and integrative courses.
  • for the skills referred to in letter c) the recognition, with attribution of a judgment of suitability, takes place among the credits of the area chosen by the student or among the additional training activities, as provided for in the Study Manifesto, or in supernumerary credits.

Recognition of linguistic certificates is possible, subject to the opinion of the University Linguistic Center, in cases where the training activity falls within the areas of "knowledge of a foreign language" and/or "further linguistic knowledge" and the exam only requires a judgment of suitability.

The recognition of computer certifications can allow exemption from attending training activities falling within the field of computer skills and from passing the related exams which only require a judgment of suitability. To this end, it is necessary to acquire the opinion of a competent department for the disciplinary scientific sectors INF/01 and ING-INF/05.

Fare riferimento ai siti web dei singoli Corsi di Studio

At the end of the course of study, in order to obtain the qualification, the student must submit a specific application and be up-to-date with the payment of university fees.

In the event of failure to obtain the qualification, the student must submit a new application.

Fare riferimento ai siti web dei singoli Corsi di Studio