Fees A.Y. 2022/2023
Content to translate
Composizione della contribuzione dovuta dallo studente a tempo pieno
A meno di specifico esonero, è così composta:
- Imposta di bollo di cui al D.P.R. 26 ottobre 1972, n. 642;
- Assicurazione;
- TDSU - Tassa regionale per il diritto allo studio universitario;
- CA - Contributo Annuale onnicomprensivo
Per il Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali è previsto un contributo aggiuntivo pari a (ISEE Università-15.000)/5. Il valore di tale incremento non potrà essere, comunque, superiore a 2.000 euro. Le modalità di corresponsione di tale contributo aggiuntivo sono specificate nel relativo bando di ammissione.
Composizione della contribuzione dovuta dallo studente a tempo parziale
Lo status di studente impegnato a tempo parziale può essere chiesto all’atto dell’immatricolazione e, successivamente, solo dallo studente in corso nei tempi e con le modalità indicate dal Dipartimento di afferenza. La contribuzione è così composta:
- Imposta di bollo di cui al D.P.R. 26 ottobre 1972, n. 642;
- Assicurazione;
- TDSU - Tassa regionale per il diritto allo studio universitario;
- CA - Contributo Annuale onnicomprensivo nella misura del 50%
Contribuzione dovuta dallo studente internazionale
La contribuzione dovuta da uno studente internazionale, non idoneo alla borsa di studio, per l’immatricolazione o l’iscrizione ad un Corso di studi, è:
- se indicato, quanto previsto dalla convenzione, in assenza di indicazioni esplicite della convenzione in base all’attestazione ISEE-U parificato;
- nel caso in cui l’ISEE-U parificato non sia disponibile, una tassa forfettaria pari a 1.000€ a titolo di contributo unico, da corrispondere in rate;
- dii 16,50€ se beneficiario di borsa di studio del Governo Italiano nell'ambito dei programmi di cooperazione allo sviluppo e degli accordi intergovernativi culturali e scientifici e relativi periodici programmi esecutivi. L’esonero è condizionato, negli anni accademici successivi, al rinnovo della borsa di studio da parte del Ministero degli Affari Esteri;
- di 16,50€ se proveniente da uno dei Paesi particolarmente poveri, il cui elenco è definito annualmente con decreto del MIUR che recepisce le disposizioni di cui all'art.13, comma 5, del D.P.C.M. 09/04/2001, e successive modifiche. Tale agevolazione è valida per la durata normale del corso di studio, con la possibilità di estenderla di un anno
Stamp duty | 16,00 € | |
Insurance | 0,50 € | |
Regional tax for the right to university study (TDSU) | 130,00 € | for ISEE-University not exceeding €24,335.11 |
140,00 € | for ISEE-University between €24,335.12 and €48,670.22 | |
160,00 € | for ISEE-University higher than €48,670.22 | |
All-inclusive Annual Contribution (CA) | is determined taking into account the income condition measured by the ISEE-University, the regularity of the studies, and the merit requirements, as indicated in art. 3 of the Taxes, Contributions, and Exemptions regulation |
The student who is not up-to-date with the payment of tuition fees cannot carry out any act of university career, including internships and apprenticeships, cannot move to another location, switch to another course, nor be admitted to sit assessment tests, nor enjoy the passive electorate for the elected offices of the University
I RATA(Stamp duty + insurance) Enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year within the deadlines set out in the call for admission for current students 30 September 2022 (after this date a fee of €20.00 is due for late enrolment) for out-of-course students on 22 December 2022 (after this date a fee of €20.00 is due for late enrollment) |
II INSTALLMENT(TDSU + 1/3 of the CA) for registered students and current students 30 November 2022 for out-of-course students 31 December 2022 |
III INSTALLMENT (1/3 of the CA) for all students February 28, 2023 |
IV INSTALLMENT (1/3 of the CA) for all students 31 May 2023 |
Request for ISEE-University certificate October 17, 2022 December 31st, 2022 (in case it has not been requested by October 17th - a late payment of 50 EURO is expected for late submission) |
Family unit exemption request April 30, 2023 This type of exemption must be requested by the interested party only if the ISEE-University certificate is not presented. In other cases, it is applied automatically |
Deadline for obtaining the title without the need to enroll in the a.y. 2022/23 April 30, 2023 The exams, including the internship, must be completed in one of the sessions of the a.y. 2021/2022 |
The arrears, due to late payment, are calculated in proportion to the share of CA, in the following terms:
- 3% up to 30 days of late payment;
- 8% from 31 to 60 days of late payment;
- 15% over 60 days of late payment.
The aforesaid arrears are generated automatically after the payment of the installment
The first installment must be paid exclusively online, and the subsequent ones also by downloading the payment notice and paying at one of the Payment Service Providers (PSP) authorized to receive payments through PagoPA. No other payment methods are accepted.
The payment receipt does not need to be delivered as it will be captured automatically.
The beneficiaries of the "Electronic card for the updating and training of tenured teachers of educational institutions" (so-called Teacher card), pursuant to Law 107/2016 (Good School), will be able to use it for the payment of enrollment fees at the University.
Warning: An online payment made on the last day before the deadline, but after bank closing hours, will be considered after the payment slip deadline. In this case, the system generates a default.
The exemptions cannot be combined, in the event of multiple exemptions the one most favorable to the student will be applied
Exemptions for NO TAX Area
The student is totally exempt from paying the CA if he meets the following requirements:
- belong to a family nucleus whose ISEE-University is less than or equal to €22,000;
- be enrolled at the University of Calabria for a number of academic years lower than or equal to the normal duration of the study course increased by one. When calculating the years of enrollment, the years of any careers closed due to withdrawal from studies or for forfeiture in Unical are counted;
- in the case of enrollment in the second academic year, having obtained at least 10 university credits (ECTS) by 10 August of the first year; in the case of enrollment in subsequent years, having obtained at least 25 credits in the twelve months prior to 10 August of the academic year preceding the related enrolment; Validated exams are not counted in the calculation of credits, with the exception of those passed in international mobility programs and taken at accredited institutions to verify the preparation relating to the foreign language.
The exemption is calculated automatically on the basis of the ISEE-University value
Scholarship exemptions
If eligible, beneficiary or non-beneficiary, of the scholarship, the student is totally exempt from paying the annual all-inclusive contribution (CA) and the regional tax for the right to university study (TDSU) for the normal duration of the study course, it is on the other hand, they are required to pay 50% of the CA in the first year following the normal duration of the study program.
To apply for the scholarship, go to the dedicated pagewhere the methods of participation and the relative deadlines are available
Disability Waivers
- The student is totally exempt from paying the CA and the TDSU if he falls into one of the cases envisaged by art. 9 of Legislative Decree no. 68/2012 or by art. 30 law 30 March 1971 n. 118;
- The student is exempt from paying the TDSU and 50% of the CA if he has a disability between 40% and 65%. This exemption applies to the student for a number of years equal to the normal duration of the study course plus one.
To obtain the exemption and for more information on services for students with disabilities, go to the dedicated page
Family exemption
Members of the same family unit enrolled at the same time in a course of study at the University of Calabria are entitled to exemption from payment of the fourth installment. The exemption is applied on condition that at least two members of the household do not benefit from an exemption among those referred to in the previous points and that all members of the household are up to date with the payment of taxes up to the third installment. In the event that one of the members enjoys exemption based on merit, the exemption for the family unit will still be applied to the other member.
This type of exemption must be requested by 04/31/2023 by the interested party only if he does not present an ISEE-University certificate; in other cases, it is applied automatically. Fill out the request
Merit exemptions
Ex officio (it is not necessary to apply)
- The stuent who enrolls in a three-year or single-cycle master's degree course and who obtained the high school title in the same year of enrollment at the University, with a grade of 100/100 cum laude, has the right to be exempted from paying the IV installment;
- The student who obtains the three-year degree title, within the normal duration of the course and by 31 December, acquires the right to 100% exemption from the CA on enrollment in a master's degree course for the a.y. following;
- The student who obtains the three-year degree title within the first year out of the course and by 31 December acquires the right to the exemption of 50% of the CA on enrollment in a master's degree course for the a.y. following;
- Anyone who enrolls in a two-year master's degree course and has obtained the title for the three-year degree course with a grade of 110/110 cum laude has the right to be exempted from paying the fourth installment;
- The student in good standing with his career and who acquires all the credits foreseen in his study plan by 31 December (with the exception of the final exam), is entitled to a 50% reduction of the CA on enrollment in the a.y. following;
- The student enrolled following a shortening of the course is exempt from paying the CA in the enrollment year if he belongs to a family unit whose ISEE-University is less than or equal to €20,000
The benefits referred to in point 2,3,5 do not apply in the presence of validated exams, with the exception of those passed in international mobility programs and taken at accredited institutions to verify the preparation relating to the foreign language.
On request
- The amount paid for enrollment in single courses in the a.y. 2021/22, if he has obtained the required credits, he is deducted from the CA due in the a.y. 2022/23 for enrollment in a master's degree course. Fill in the request;
- To the winners of the regional phases of the Olympics promoted and financed or organized by the MIUR "General Directorate for school regulations" reserved for high school students, held in the year of enrollment at the University (chemistry, problem-solving, Italian, philosophy, astronomy, physics, mathematics, information technology, robotics, statistics, natural sciences, and classical languages and civilizations), following the presentation of a specific request, the exemption of the IV installment is recognized. . Fill out the request.
Exemption for sporting merit
Gold medal winner in college sports does not pay CA. Fill out the request.
Other exemptions
- A student who is son of victims of mafia or terrorist organizations, is exempt, upon presentation of a specific request, from the payment of the annual fee. Fill out the request.
- Who, awarded the "Alfieri del Lavoro" prize for the 25 best students who have completed upper secondary school with honors, enrolls in the a.y. 2021/22 in a three-year or single-cycle master's degree course is exempt, following the presentation of a specific request, from paying the annual tuition fee. Fill out the request.
What may be required for:
- to resolve or deal with a very serious situation of economic hardship;
- to pay off any debts relating to unpaid taxes and contributions;
- to extinguish debts towards the Residential Center relating to services used, not paid for;
- for the return, following any revocation, of the cash portion of the scholarship.
How to apply
Due to the peculiarities of the cases to be evaluated, applications for extraordinary subsidies must be presented:
- to the Educational Services Area (question link) - for the practices attributable to points 1 and 2
- to the Residential Center (link) - for the practices attributable to points 3 and 4
Those who cannot apply
Students who:
- have already used the extraordinary subsidy in previous years;
- motivate the request by referring to events that occurred in past years, in any case, such as not to justify the request for extraordinary subsidy;
- do not comply with the economic and merit parameters indicated in art. 4 of the "Regulations for the allocation of economic benefits and specific forms of subsidy to deserving students in temporary need", except as provided in paragraph 4 of the same art. 4
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- LM Mathematics
- LT Informatica
- LM Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
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